Return of Jobs
Despite all efforts,Apple continued to lose blood.Began to lag behind the age,which will replace the Mac OS,the new generation operating system developments efforts seemed hopeless.
New CEO,Amelio minimized product development budgets significantly.While the new generation operating system was working in progress,Apple began to work on Mac OS 8.For short time,company thougt to agree with Microsoft for Windows NT operating system but Apple settlent on Steve Jobs and his new company,NeXT.At the end of the year,Steve would take a place again in Apple’s board.
Gil Amelio and Ellen Hancock left from company when Steve joined Apple’s board.Then,Steve Jobs was temporary CEO in Apple.
Jobs started to restructur in company.He proveded starting the firs online store which is Apple’s Store.Apple’s first attack was iMac that was modern-looking all-in-PC in 1998.iMac ,1 billion units were sold within a year and for 43 percent of costumers,the first Apple computer was iMac.
This success went on with iBook.Almost , a golden age had begun.Aesthetics in the foreground of these computers had as well as aesthetics Works of Mac OS X operating system.In March,it was available.
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