10 Kasım 2013 Pazar

Some tiny codes in C# ( Form Application )

    I know it's been a long time , but i'm back.Today i am going to put some codes in C# , i don't like it though.Do not expect so much  things from these codes because these two coding were little homework in my Data Structures class so they simply sort the numbers that you put on the text field, and one button to run these codes and ofcourse the other text field to show the ordered-numbers.I used "selectionsort" and "bubble sort" algorithms.I hope , beginners of C# can get inpiration by looking at these codes.

Insertion Sort C#

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace sorting.examples
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            char[] delimiterChars = { ' ', ',', '.', ':', '\t' };
            string text = textBox1.Text;
            string[] words = text.Split(delimiterChars);
            int[] intValues = new int[words.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
                intValues[i] = Convert.ToInt32(words[i]);
            int j,temp;
            for ( j = 1; j < intValues.Length; j++) {

                for (int i = 0; i < intValues.Length-j; i++)
              if (intValues[i] > intValues[i + 1])
                        temp = intValues[i + 1];
                        intValues[i + 1] = intValues[i];
                        intValues[i] = temp;
            var result = string.Join(",", intValues);
            textBox2.Text = result;
        private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void textBox2_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Bubble Sort C#

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace sorting.examples
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            char[] delimiterChars = { ' ', ',', '.', ':', '\t' };
            string text = textBox1.Text;
            string[] words = text.Split(delimiterChars);
            int[] intValues = new int[words.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)

                intValues[i] = Convert.ToInt32(words[i]);


            int j,temp;
            for ( j = 1; j < intValues.Length; j++) {

                for (int i = 0; i < intValues.Length-j; i++)

                    if (intValues[i] > intValues[i + 1])
                        temp = intValues[i + 1];
                        intValues[i + 1] = intValues[i];
                        intValues[i] = temp;

            var result = string.Join(",", intValues);
            textBox2.Text = result;

        private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void textBox2_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)



3 Temmuz 2013 Çarşamba

Get Started dealing with JAVA

    Here are some tips about Java and curcial things that you have to consider if you are into Computer Science or any related fields.

    First of all , Java is an OOP which stands for Object-Orianted Programming
                      Java compeses fully classes and classes contain objects and methods.So lets break them down into specific conditions can be understood easily;

                     Class is a way to say our compiler that what kind of processes we will need to use while building our program.In real world, we,human being , are classes.Therefore these classes can be specified getting some particular names.If i pick one particular thing up in this class then that thing is named Object.So what i have done so far;
                   Created a new class which is named " Human "
                   Then i declared an Object named "James" which is related to my class "Human"
                   Using this object is very simple; just we need to be aware of methods may be used into our program.For example; run can be a method in our program because we already know that human can run :) .  
So, the object i created before from "Human" class now is using "run" method by using my "James" object.All things may be considered like a real life in our enviroment.

                   These whole stuff is about how to create source code with Java Programming Language.Ofcourse, there many other important cases can not be passed though it looks so simple.

                   I will talk about the other stuff later on.

27 Nisan 2013 Cumartesi

Some Polish and Some Poznan

   Ahh feelings , missing them much but cant touch and change them at all.You cant see but you feel it s watching you in somewhere may not be closed to you and even like something reminds to you everything what happened so far looking with two huge eyes, is on the sky.

    Well our story starts with Poznan and ends with Poznan any how much you dont wanna end it up at all.

Everything started here. 

... being away from home makes you little bit weird especially when you take the first step through this.Everythings starts to look scary but you know that feeling will make you think you re home soon out there  and for sure it starts much more before than you've thought.
     I was in there for my Erasmus education so it was not too hard get involved by social side and thanks to Facebook :).It was enough to greet to everyone speaking with them because we've already spoken many months on Facebook :).

    People,places,drinking and fun , more fun.Experiences were pouring straight to you anytime and you can hardly stop this by the way why would you wanna stop this ? you re here for this reason.Feel free more than have never felt before. 

... Poznan is not a big city so much its a typical student place so consequently all fun stuff is not expensive.You can afford easily for your priority expenses such as rent,food,clothing etc. while having fun at nights.They are using Zloty currency so if you re part of EU where you can gain some euros then it could be much more easy to stay there.

     Greenery area is placed everywhere it would be so hard not to see any trees there while walking around the city but i can not say the same thing on the weather's situation because i just saw the sun 5 or 6 times in 5 months :) and average temp is about 6 - 8 degrees in Autumn so you re so curious about what is the situation in Winter time , yeah i can see that , well its snowy but really snowy and temp is about (-4) - (-16) in my observations.Actually it could be worse if Poznan had a little bit more high altitude.

 ... Cuba Libre,SQ,Klup Czekolada,Terytorium and much more they all are waiting for you get you make some noise and taste really nice vodka and more...

    For Erasmus students, there is no any enterance fee in general.But their prices are quite ok with paying actually.3-5 euros.So what about the inside ?
General scale is that , even you can find really good beer in a big schooner for 1 euro and as well vodka shot.But i suggest to you guys that drink much more part of your drinking plan in a pub before arrival the any club thus you can get freaking drunk for 10-20 euros if you have a purpose to do that :).You definetely get drunk because everything start to be much more cool when you re drunk and dont be afraid you wont be alone :) and even you can make some friends by going to toilet yeah i am serious it happened to me and i met with two dutch guys who talked about Sneijder coming to Galatasaray with me ,and a group which was drinking as well.So the best place that kind of things happend to you , is Proletaryat , keep it in your mind :).But if i say to you every kind of drinking costs just 1 euro , and yes shot vodka,beer even wine , so how do you feel now ? :) dont start to packing immediately first you need to check the flights to Poznan :).

    Do i wanna come back to Poznan ? well , kidding me ? sure i wanna do that insanely and i am sure you wont been in any regret at all.You can get everywhere for couple mins and cheap, enter the any club easily after school because you can find many of them in the center of city where you can eat something or doing your private affair after classes are finished.Please eat whatever you want in Sphinx for me also you will love it.Just order a American Steak and enjoy :) ... 

    And also Polish people are really so kind but sometimes they get ashamed on speaking English with you :).But their education is really nice and influential to teach you something ofcourse still need get some improvement on English because its rate is still low within European Union.

    You can find very nice museums and cathedrals which i love visiting , and their entrance is also cheap.Therefore they are exteremly flamboyant constructions and many of them were built in 10th century.

    Now all the pics say different story to me , i hope it will do same thing to you ...

From Tram Party
Cuba Libre and thanks Sara for this nice pic with me  :)
With some friends from Erasmus.
In Corner Pub owned very nice parties.
Yeah i slided down three times but did not break anything hopefully :)
Ohh damn it i was chosen as the best dancer in Erasmus 2012/2013 :P

Broadcast by Me !

listen the broadcast

14 Nisan 2013 Pazar

Facebook Home to any Android Device now !!!

    Yeap you've heard it right, as you know Facebook Home is officially went live on Google Play right now but unfortunately it is available for just few Android headsets in the initial support list.Therefore some guy in xda-developers published an installition package post few days ago, and yes IT WORKS !!!

   You need to try it because that man who posted it can not ensure to you for also running on your headset.But there is no needed any root and touching build prop.So here is the link and give it a shot guys :).

    Here ! ! ! Click it ! ! !

11 Mart 2013 Pazartesi

LTE Nedir ?


  iPhone başlayan LTE teknolojisi furyası diğer mobil üreticilerinde desteklemesiyle yeni çıkan bütün akıllı telefonlarda artık yerini almaya başladı.Peki LTE teknolojisi nedir ve bize neler vaat etmekte ?

    En iyi şekilde kısaca açıklamak gerekirse; en hızlı network teknolojisidir.Yani dünya çapında network operatörlerinin birbirleri ile iletişimi daha az bir masrafla ve en iyi seviyede yapmalarını sağlayan bir UMTS bağlantısıdır.Tabii biraz daha açıklığa kavuşturabiliriz.Hepimizi 3G yi biliriz ve ülkemize geldikten sonra mobil internette bize neler getirdiğini az çok hatırlayabiliyoruz ki hala kullanımda olan bir teknoloji.Tabii bu sadece bizim için geçerli.Şu an pek çok ülkede LTE teknolojisine geçildi yani 3G nin bir üst seviye bağlantısı olan LTE'ye.Bizim ülkemiz de daha yaygın isim olarak 4G kullanılmakta.

    LTE teknolojisi gerçekten bize yepyeni bir deneyim sunuyor.Kolayca,oldukça hızlı bir şekilde bağlantı yapabilen bir yenilik.Amerika da ki ölçümlere göre ise;Download hızı olarak 19.21 Mbps e kadar çıktığı test edilmiş.Upload ise 10.09.Bu veriler oldukça yüksek internet hızlarını göstermekte mobil kullanıcılar için.Hele ki 3G hızının 1 Mbps ten yukarı çıktığı görülmemişken.Tabii operatörlerin yanlış yönlendiren reklamlarını saymazsak :).

    Şu anlık teknoloji ile LTE kullanımı akıllı telefonlarımızın bataryasının birer düşmanı haline gelmiş durumda.Bunun sebebi ise network operatörlerinin cihazı iki aktif mode haline getirmeye çalışması.Bu yüzden oldukça bataryanızın ömrünü kısaltacaktır gün içinde.

    Gelelim Türkiye de ki duruma.3G üzerinde hala servis geliştirme çabalarımız devam etmekte.Lakin,3G nin çekmediği daha o kadar çok bölge var ki.Ülke genelinde 3G 'nin gerçek hızına hiçbir zaman ulaşamadık.LTE testlerine Turkcell başlamıştı geçen yılın ortalarında.2015 yılın da 1 Gbps hıza ulaşmayı hedeflemekte.Yani 2015 e kadar ancak 3G nin gerçek teknolojisiyle tanışmış olacağız ve ardından ise LTE bizleri beklemekte olacak.

24 Şubat 2013 Pazar

İyi ki doğdun Steve !!

    Bugün Steve Jobs un doğum günüydü.İki yönden benim için farklı bir anlamı var bugünün.Birinci ölümünden sonra geçen şu kısa zamanda bile kendisini ne kadar özlediğimizi ve teknolojinin heyecanını biraz kaybettiğini anlattı bugün bana.Ayrıca Apple ın onsuz biraz gücünden yoksun olduğunu da inkar edemedim bugün.İkincisi biraz kişisel :) Yarın doğum günüm ve böyle özel bir günün sonunda dünyaya gelmem benim için gurur Steve den bir gün sonra :).

    Her zaman Steve Jobs u arayacağımız kesin.Onun gibi birisininde tekrardan dünya ya gelecek olma ihtimalini düşünce de bir kat daha fazla özlemeye başlıyor insan ama hayat devam ediyor.Teknoloji gelişmeye devam ediyor.Ve yarın Barcellona da dünya mobil fuarı başlayacak.Bütün gözler orada olacak.Yeri gelmişkeb söyleyeyim.Windows Phone 8 işletim sisteminin karmaşıklığını bir kez daha gördüm ve normal kullanıcıları bazı zamanlarda zor durumlarda bıraktığına bir kez daha şahit oldum.Kolay ve basitlik gerçekten çok arka plana atılmış.İşlevselliği artırmak namına ve tabi ki görselliği de biraz daha şatafatlı yapmak uğruna işletim sisteminin asıl amaçları unutulmuş.O yüzden ısrarla söylüyorum Windows Phone 8 lerden uzak durun hele ki ilk akıllı telefon deneyiminiz olacaksa o cihaz.